Preparing Your Healthcare Practice for the New Year
2025 is only 56 Days away, depending on when you are reading this.
Like all the squirrels running around my front lawn preparing for the months ahead, we can learn from their connection to nature.
Time to prepare for the future!
First, let’s get through the next two months.
If you are doing any advertising, consider winding it down, especially after Thanksgiving. You don’t want to compete with retailers pushing holiday sales.
For November and December, I would focus on internal marketing. For example:
Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway: Hold a drawing for a free turkey with a "refer a friend" entry.
Thank-a-Veteran Day (Nov 11): Offer special promotions or donations for local veterans.
Donation Drives: Set up a holiday collection for those in need.
Girls' Night Out: Host a gift exchange event in your office to build community and referrals.
Poinsettia Giveaway: Give patients a poinsettia with a gift certificate for family/friends.
External Referral Network: Deliver a thank-you gift, like a fruit basket, to your referral partners.
Patient Appreciation Party: Have a party. Your patients are part of your practice and health community. Everyone gets Guest Passes to hand out to family and friends when they leave.
Newsletters: Share a personalized note from your practice.
Scheduling: "Health Never Takes a Holiday" poster for December scheduling reminders. Schedule your patients all through December.
Spend an afternoon with your team to review 2024 goals, vision, and values. What did the team accomplish? Brainstorm for 2025 goals, values, and perhaps even a unifying theme or project.
What can we do that will unite us, be fun, and take us to our NEXT level? One office did this last year and wound up with an inspiring practice video for marketing their services. And a new chiropractic associate doctor!
Accountant: Meet to review finances and tax strategies.
Employee Benefits: Assess benefits and consider bonuses.
Payors: Review and potentially drop low return insurance contracts.
Fees: Adjust as needed.
Compliance: Ensure HIPAA and other standards and regulations are met.
Budget Planning: Set a budget based on financial review and goals.
Building. Ensure building and equipment leases, and insurance, are up-to-date.
Licensing and Malpractice. Ensure continuing education is planned and all providers have insurance.
This is not a complete list, of course.
As with all planning, begin with the end in mind -- your shared vision.
Stay true to your vision,
If your practice-building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons -- many of which are hidden from you.
Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my book, The Goal Driven Business.