Morning Case Management Meetings in Your Chiropractic Healthcare Practice
(Link to checklist below)
How do you start your day at your clinic?
Do you come in early and see that everything is set up and ready to go?
Do you come in just on time and walk in with your first patient, trying to catch up with their condition?
Do you come in late -- too often?
In life, there are so many things that you can't control. Getting to the office early in the morning is ONE thing you can control. And in the long run, it will make a big difference.
A key ingredient for any business success is discipline. One of my favorite books and authors is Jim Collins – Good to Great.
"Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline."
But even if you get to the office early, what should you do?
I suggest one of the best ways to do this is to have a short case management meeting with your team.
A brief morning team meeting can significantly enhance patient care quality, increase patient volume and referrals, and improve organization and communication.
It takes about ten minutes.
The procedure is simple.
Case Manager - Assistant. Assign someone to be in charge of these meetings. This could be the Front Desk Coordinator.
Appointment Sheet. They can ensure that everyone has a copy of that day's appointments.
Patient Goals: The entire team meets and reviews each patient coming in that day. (If you have 200 patients coming in, review selected patients.) Chiropractic doctors, therapists, and support staff can bring up any questions or updates as needed. For example, maybe a patient called in with a new injury, or the doctor wants a progress exam or x-ray on a patient, and another patient is ready to transition to maintenance/wellness. Maybe there is a Patient Appreciation Day next week, and all patients should be reminded.
Optional: Office Goals: You can also review office numbers for the month, make any adjustments to marketing plans, and set goals.
Team connect-up. This is also a good time to check in with your team. How are they doing as people? All set to have a great day? Who's got a good joke?
Now, the mood is set. We're upbeat, the plans are made, and everyone is ready to give world-class care.
Which is your goal.
Stay Goal Driven,
Download the Morning Case Management Checklist HERE.
PDF Version
DOC Version
PS. MBA 2025. Our next MBA program will begin March 31st. We only take a limited number of students, so if you are interested, please get on our wait list today.
"Based on our largest global study of the future of work...the quality of managers and team leaders is the single biggest factor in your organization's long-term success." Gallup
If your practice-building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals, there are reasons -- many of which are hidden from you.
Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my book, The Goal Driven Business.
