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Situational Awareness and Staying Focused in Healthcare.

Updated: Jul 19

Abraham Lincoln - better angels of our nature - staying focused in chiropractic healthcare

With The Help Of The Better Angels Of Our Nature

Tuesday, July 16

Reporting… Milwaukee, WI

American politics and government are on display here.

The Republican National Convention is in town all week. There are estimated to be around 50,000 attendees at the convention.

And, of course, former President Donald Trump was in town after his near-death assassination.

What a monstrous difference two inches would have made!

I have lived through assassinations and assassination attempts. I clearly remember being excused from school when President John F Kennedy was murdered. A few years later, while in college, I remember hearing that Martin Luther King was killed. Being against the war in Vietnam, I was in full support of Robert Kennedy, who was also against the war and pledged to get us out of Southeast Asia. His murder still resonates with me. But there are others, many we don't hear about, and many that are only attempts.

I always try to connect the dots. And as I do, look for more. How do these things happen? Are the perpetrators of such violence acting alone as we are told? Are we always told the truth? Does the government ever lie?

These are important questions. But I have a recommendation, perhaps a warning:

In sports, such as football, soccer, or martial arts, you need situational awareness. That is, you need to know what is happening outside your field of vision.

But more importantly, while doing so, you need to focus on what is in front of you.

The pitcher needs to watch who is stealing 2nd base, but his focus must be on the batter in front of him.


This applies in life as well. It helps to know what is going on in the world so that you don’t get blindsided or fooled.

But what is always most important is your patients. As a chiropractor, dentist, medical doctor, or any service provider, your customers are what is right in front of you. They, along with your fellow team members and your family, are what is most important.

One of my favorite books on history is The Soul of America, The Battle for Our Better Angels, by Jon Meacham. It looks at certain crises the U.S. has endured over its 250 years. It shows us that, despite serious challenges, time after time, reason and truth have prevailed.

In times of social unrest or uncertainty, I have seen the practice numbers of many offices go down. Doctors, staff, and patients react by contracting, pulling back, and hunkering down. I have seen other doctors go full-activist, spend time in marches, or become consumed with "doom scrolling!"

Don't let this happen to your practice or to you. Situational awareness is necessary. Know your environment, question authority, and seek to discern the truth. I know you do this anyway.

But keep the patients in the forefront. Keep improving your practice, make it stronger, and help more people.

And have faith in what Abraham Lincoln said about the better angels of our nature.


In March of 1861, the mood in the U.S. was one of deep division and uncertainty. In his first inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln attempted to calm the tensions and unite the states.

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies.

"Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection.

"The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Staying focused on our goals to improve the health of more people,


P.S. Our Practice MBA is just 7 weeks away.

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** Start Date: September 9th

** Registration ends August 30th or when the class is full

**Duration: 12 weekly classes

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