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The Benefits Of Counting Your Blessings in Chiropractic and Life

Writer's picture: Ed PettyEd Petty

goal driven coach talking to a football player

We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow. (B. J. Palmer, Developer of Chiropractic)

IT WAS A FALL DAY WHEN I STUMBLED, as a 17-year-old hayseed, into the college locker room. There I met Coach Johnny Pappa. My mind was swimming with all the new experiences which a university environment presented, and I hardly recognized his kind and encouraging instruction that fall.

I graduated and went on with my life and didn't really take time to think about the help Coach Pappa gave me. I was one of some 40 boys or so and I was no star player.

But I still remember my first day in that locker room. I had never seen inspirational quotations before. There on the bulletin board were motivational sayings on cards of colored paper. The first one I saw stood out. I remember it still. I think about it now and then and it gives me a little boost of inspiration when I need it.

A few years ago, I thought back on those early fall days and felt the difference Coach Pappa made in my life. I called the university to find his address and to thank him for his friendly and strong coaching.

Unfortunately, I learned that he had passed. I was a few years too late.


I sometimes think about all the help I have received over the years, never fully appreciating or acknowledging those who extended their hands. My neighbor who helped with my High School French, another neighbor who taught how to sit on a horse, and of course, my parents. The list goes on and on.

I wished I would have thanked them more. But as the years have rolled on, I at least, and at last, am grateful.


This is Thanksgiving Week here in the U.S.

I think Thanksgiving is about gratitude. This is a difficult value to embrace if we are preoccupied with our own worries, struggles, and wins. But, as Tony Robbins says, "When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears."

And there is the quote from Cicero, from old Rome, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others."

Gratitude is a virtue that works.

Demonstrating gratitude:

  • Improves physical health.

  • Facilitates better relationships. 

  • Improves psychological health. 

  • Enhances empathy and reduces aggression.

  • Improves sleep quality.  

  • Increases self-esteem. 

  • Improves mental strength.*   


However you find yourself this week, consider the many reasons you have to be grateful. It is kind of a mental trick. The more things you are grateful for, the better you will feel.

But it is also an authentic virtue. Perhaps a noble one.

Now is a good time to let those you care about know you are thankful for them and for simply being who they are. This includes your family and friends, your chiropractic and other patients, and the team that supports you.

All of us at PM&A are thankful for the courageous work you continue to do and appreciate who you are.

Thank you!

Ed, and all of us at Petty Michel & Associates



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