Practice Management and Leadership Training
A Practical MBA Program for
Chiropractic Business Owners and Their Managers
Our next training program begins Sept 16th.
We are only accepting 10 students.
To get on our Wait List and to find out more info, click here.
Entrepreneurial chiropractors do not receive the support they need.
As a practice grows, administrative demands grow geometrically. Large and many minor tasks multiply, even more than most owners realize. These take up the owner's time and energy and limit growth, directly affecting the bottom line and quality of life.
Administrative demands are the #1 reason hardworking doctors are held back from achieving their goals.
Imagine if all you had to do was see patients and all the daily management tasks were taken care of for you. Your production, income, and peace of mind would all improve.
But you can't do this because of the many administrative distractions that pull you away from seeing patients, planning the future, and living your life outside of the office.
What if you had a manager that truly managed all aspects of your office? A manager that was motivated, proactive, and worked with the staff and you to improve services and help the office achieve its goals. They would help improve performance in every department: marketing, reimbursement, patient services, and individual team member performance, and help create a team driven to reach clinic goals.
In a recently published bestselling book by Gallup titled, It's The Manager:

"Based on our largest global study of the Future of Work, Gallup finds that the quality of managers and team leaders is the single biggest factor in your organization's long-term success."
Over the last 30 years of work in the field, we have seen this to be the truth:
“…the quality of managers and team leaders is the single biggest factor in your organization’s long-term success.”
What is the solution?
You could be the manager. This works if you are beginning your business, but as you start to grow, you have less time to train, hire, coach, develop faster procedures, and improve the business's overall performance. And beyond being the CEO and leader, I doubt if you really want to be a manager. Plus, you are trained as a doctor and not a manager.
Advertise for a manager? There is no formal management training for chiropractic practice managers outside of C.A., C.T., or billing training. People with experience may apply, but it would be difficult to verify their qualifications except for their performance from an earlier employer.
Hire a medically trained manager. We have done this. We have found that medical practice managers are not accustomed to working in entrepreneurial practices, and tend to focus on HIPAA, EHR, and compliance issues more than team improvement, customer service, and marketing.
Our solution is to train practice managers. And in the bargain, we also train doctors to be CEOs that can work with a manager to create a Goal Driven practice.
We have selected the most practical subjects from our direct work in the field over the last 35 years. If mastered by you and your manager, the bottom line of any chiropractic business will significantly improve.
Management is its own subject and skill. It has its own "nuts and bolts."
As a practice grows, management becomes more challenging but also more necessary.
I encourage you to set up a short meeting with me if you are interested, and we can discuss the training in more detail and how it would apply to your situation. Just hit the button below and email me or set up a time to chat. I look forward to talking with you.